Making Memories
One Cruise at a Time

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We are located at 645 Old San Carlos Blvd. on Fort Myers Beach, under the skyway bridge behind "Nervous Nellie’s," adjacent to the "Marina Village Resort Condominium" dock.
Click here for details and parking information.
Contact Info:
Dan Heselton
Local: 239-765-8500

Let's see your photos!
Each month, the captain and crew chooses one of your photos taken aboard one of our cruises for inclusion in our website gallery. Winners will receive their choice of a free Dolphin or Sunset Cruise for four on a date of their choosing,– subject to availability. In submitting your photos, you agree to allow publication in any manner in which the management chooses, including online, on television, in print or in any other advertisement or promotion medium. Photos should be at least 800 px wide and 500 px high, at 72 dpi. Please, no photos larger than 150kb.